Staying Connected: Tips to Maintain Engagement With Your Injured Worker

Your role in supporting an injured worker extends beyond simply completing their injury claim form. How you maintain engagement with your employee during their time off can significantly impact wellbeing and the success of their return to work.

Providing a comprehensive return-to-work plan that keeps the injured employee involved with the business can mitigate the effects of their injury and enhance their overall well-being. This proactive approach also benefits employers by fostering ongoing workplace productivity, reducing claims costs, and boosting staff morale. Without an effective plan in place, employees may face subsequent health issues, struggle to reintegrate into the work environment, and experience strain in their personal lives.

Tips for Maintaining Engagement with Injured Workers:

Clear Return-to-Work Plan

Develop a transparent return-to-work plan tailored to each employee's needs, regardless of their position within the company.

The plan can include on-site and off-site interactions to ensure the employee's recovery progresses optimally. Include elements such as training for new roles and scheduled one-on-one meetings to discuss their progress and experiences.

Regularly updating the plan allows your employee to see how their role is evolving alongside their recovery. Creating a feeling of progress and accomplishment.

Regular Contact

When feasible, schedule regular meetings with the injured employee, even if they are currently on leave. These sessions offer valuable opportunities to refine the return-to-work plan and ensure it is tailored to the employee's recovery progress.

Remember to collaborate closely with the employee and their healthcare provider to assess treatment effectiveness and identify ways to facilitate meaningful engagement with the company.

Gradual Return to Work

Initiate discussions with the employee about the possibility of gradually returning to work in a capacity that suits their recovery status. This helps the employee stay connected to the workplace and maintain social and professional relationships. However, it's crucial to adhere to the limitations set by the employee's medical practitioner to prevent them from feeling pressured to exceed their recovery capabilities.

Understanding Challenges

Acknowledge that some employees may struggle to return to work due to ongoing claims processes, feelings of injustice, or trauma associated with their injury. Maintain open communication with the employee, their healthcare providers, and claims agents to address any barriers to their return-to-work success.

At Gallagher Bassett, we recognise the importance of patient-centred planning and compassion in facilitating successful workforce reintegration for injured employees. With over 20 years of experience in managing worker claims, we have consistently helped our clients improve their return-to-work rates. Connect with us to achieve optimal outcomes for your employees' successful return to the workforce.

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